
There's a lot of really cool websites out there, and I'm going to share some of them here. If I got some piece of info wrong, or if any of these websites stop working while I'm not looking, please let me know! I'll add more at my leisure.

Useful Websites

The Internet Archive - A lovely site to use when a webpage you want access to suddenly goes down. If there's a lesser known page you want to stay up forever, I recommend posting it there.
OneLook Thesaurus - This is the best thesaurus I've ever used. You can put a phrase that sounds vaguely like the thing you're trying to think of and it'll probably give you the word you're searching for. I learned of this site when a friend linked it to me in a DM on Discord a while ago and since then have never turned back to
Emojipedia - A convenient website where you can fine and copy/paste emojis for your own uses.
Fsymbols - Has symbols, emoticons, bullet points, trademark signs and text generators (like strikethrough text, giant text, zalgo text and other quirky fonts).
Rapid Tables - Has multiple uses. Can calculate things like percentages, and convert things like celsius and centimeters into fahrenheit and inches, it has text conversions such as binary text to English, it can be used to generate color codes (with a list of said colors), and more! I use this daily for my color coding needs.
Roman Numeral Converter - Like the title says, a website that provides a converter for Roman Numerals and tells you what Roman Numeral means what. This website also has other converters, but most of them are already covered by Rapid Tables.
SauceNAO - A reverse image site that specializes in finding anime style fanart, but can sometimes find other kinds of fanart too. Very reliable ime.
TinEye - Another reverse image searcher, more generalized. I've found a handful of images from this site when Google Images and SauceNAO failed me.
Time Zone Map - Does what it says on the tin. Lets you see which areas are in which time zone.
FreeMapTools - You can measure the distance between two cities, the radius around a point you click on a map, things like that.
W3Schools - A very useful education website that lists HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more kinds of code for free! If you're having trouble getting a piece of code to work for your own website, this is the place to go. You can also take courses if you want, though I haven't found that necessary.
Have I Been Pwned - Here you can check to see if your email has been compromised in a data breach (no sign-in or anything required).

Historic Websites

Just an FYI, many outgoing links in old sites are dead.

World Wide Web - The website that started it all, made by Tim Berners-Lee himself. This website (along with the World Wide Web as a whole) was launched on August 6, 1991. Still presented in bare HTML, which gives it a simplistic charm. It may not look like much, but this piece of code laid the foundation for the whole rest of the web, which is pretty dang cool in my opinion.
World Wide Web Consortium - This website may look modern, but it's run by an international organization established in 1994 by Tim Berners-Lee that exists to set standards for the web itself. This website includes a slideshow about the history of the internet, from its first conception all the way to 2004. It's a bit jank but it still works.
Interrupt Technology Corporation - Though the World Wide Web as a concept was born in 1989 and published in 1991, computers have been linking up with each other since decades prior. This domain has existed since 1986, making it the oldest domain available on the internet. There isn't really anything to see here, but it's a neat piece of history.
Aliweb - The oldest web search engine still running, and the second oldest ever made. Established in 1993. This website has many links on its homepage, though due to the site's age and lack of upkeeping, some of those links are dead.
Welcome To Netscape - The homepage of the defunct Netscape Navigator, one of the first web browsers. This website was established in 1994, explaining how to, well, navigate the web.
FogCam! - The San Francisco FogCam is the world's oldest webcam. This website was established in 1994 and still runs to this day. It also has its own Twitter account.
Space Jam 1996 - As its title says, this is the famous Space Jam website that kept this old, quirky interface from 1996 until finally updating their site in 2021 to advertise for their new movie. For posterity, they kept the old version of a site linked on their homepage. This makes me pretty happy, as an old web enthusiast.
Dole/Kemp '96 - The homepage for the Republican Dole/Kemp 1996 presidential campaign. This website hasn't changed at all since its creation, making it look as antiquated as the conservative belief system. Okay, that's not fair, old web designs are charming and were for the most part useful for a time (:p). Weird how this site is still running after all these years though.

The websites below aren't old themselves, but they link to or pay tribute to the Old Web.

The Old Internet - This is a search engine that searches for old websites, sorted by year.
wiby - Another search engine. Wiby only indexes websites that have no Javascript. Since 98.8% of websites use Javascript as of typing this, this means that this search engine mostly indexes old websites. Though a few new pages come up sometimes, like some Neocities domains for example. (Not mine though, I checked)
Cameron's World - A loving tribute to the defunct GeoCities. With lots of archived pictures from many GeoCities sites pasted on charmingly bad graphics that look like you stepped into the '90s as soon as you clicked the url.
404PageFound - A curated list of old websites that are still up and running.
The Geocities Gallery - An archive/partial restoration of old GeoCities pages. Unfortunately, many of them don't work correctly and some are completely broken.

Other Old Sites

Nathan's Toasty Technology page - The host of the infamous Internet Explorer is EVIL! webpage. Established in 1998. There's other pages on the author's site as well. He sure does have a lot of opinions about things, and he's rather abrasive about them. - Contrary to what the url suggests, it is not a website dedicated to the delicious food that is tacos. Technical Advisors Company is an old website that provided services to help you with your computing needs. Established in 1998. - Like, this site is not actually about milk. It's a personal site of a guy named Dan Bornstein who's worked on various technologies, including what he called "the Android project". Established in 1994. - Unlike the two sites above it, this site actually is about the food-related thing the url suggests it would be, sporks. Established in 1994. - A personal website by a computer scientist named Patrick Michaud (who also created PmWiki). Established in 1994. An old website with a clean interface that's mostly pretty mundane, but has a couple entertaining pages. Notably, the Strawberry Pop-Tart Blowtorches experiment. In which he and some other researchers tested how flammable pop tarts were when left in toasters for a while (as it turns out, very).
Rei's Home Page - A personal website established in 1994. Includes links to art they made, essays about anime and manga, a section dedicated to their love of their pet birds and pages about how to (and how not to) take care of them, and more.
CRW Flags - A online store that sells flags of all kinds which was established in 1996. This website retains the Web 1.0 style despite being updated to this day. It includes a page about the transgender flag and its variants, talking about them in detail. - A tacky website established in 2004 that looks like someone slapped one of those messy sales catalog pages from newspapers onto a computer screen. With the contents flinging around like a pinball until settling in an even more disorganized pattern. Seriously very bad UI, but kinda interesting to look at in its own trainwreck-y sorta way.

Misc. Sites

The Klingon Language Institute - That's right, the Klingon language from Star Trek is an actual language that you can learn and speak (which apparently some people do!). This site is all about that, selling books to teach Klingon to anyone willing to learn. It's even got a newsletter and a Discord server. This site is actually pretty old too (it was established in 1996) though it got a recent facelift.
Love ASCII Art - A collection of cute, cuddly and lovey dovey ASCII art for all your ASCII art needs. It seems to be a continuation of an The Cuddly Collection of ASCII Art, which is of the same theme.
First Philadelphia Computer Music Festival - This website is an archive of old music that's free to listen to and download.
Something - That's it. Just something.
Example - An example domain. That's really it.
Motherfucking Website - A joke website ranting about how bare HTML is the best website design.
Better Motherfucking Website - A sequel to the Motherfucking Website about how you do need CSS, but only a tiny amount.
Perfect Motherfucking Website - The final edition to the Motherfucking Website series.

But honestly, none of those websites compare to the one below.

The Best Website Ever - This right here is the best website. Ever. Of all time. A perfect 10/10. Truly an internet masterpiece that will be looked upon in awe by the upcoming generations of internet historians.

Nonsense Sites

These websites don't serve any purpose, but they're fun. Some of these are more nonsense than others. Also, sound warning on some of these.

HTML5 Zombo - An HTML5 site based on the classic, which was established in 1999.
The Salmon of Capistrano - If no sound plays turn on autoplay for the site and refresh. This is one of my favorites!
Random Color
Cat Bounce!
Scroll Down to Riker - Yes, I'm a Trekkie.
skull trumpet
Bury Me With My Money
Winning Solitaire
Dampe - Haha what even is this website?
Turn Your Name Into a Face
Instant Rimshot - Sound effect website. Includes goodies such as the Wilheim Scream.
INCEPTION - Another button sound site.
Ninjaflex - Also requires sound autoplay to work as intended.
corndog - Literally, it's just a corndog with its own theme song.
Unicode Snowman for You
Crouton - Exactly what it says on the tin.
Picture of Hotdog - A picture of a hot dog and some funny text to go with it.
The Useless Web - This links to most of the websites listed in this category and more. Fair warning though, some of the sites this site links to have flashing image. Speaking of which...

(Warning: Flashing colors on the sites below.)

themostamazingwebsiteontheinternet - Silly parody of old bad websites.
Last Updated: 2/29/2024

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